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2023/10|Expressing Illusions in the Art: Joint Exhibition of Hsu Pi-Ling, Wu Ying-Ju, and Chen Zheng-Long |



Preface from Art Center

To artists, aesthetics should be the professional skill and knowledge; to the public, it is the nutrition and healing for life. If we add some artistic hue into our professional work, we can make our work more colorful and life more beautiful. This logic encourages our students to have more contact with art and learn to appreciate artistic creation.

The exhibition “Expressing Illusions in the Art: Joint Exhibition of Hsu Pi-Ling, Wu Ying-Ju, and Chen Zheng-Long,” held by the Art Center of National Chin-Yi University of Technology, aims to bring an abundant feast of art through displaying three distinct styles of art at the same time. Hsu Pi-Ling is not only an artist in mixed media but also a curator of international exhibitions. Her recent works include two- and three-dimensional installation art. Using mixed media and light effects, she illustrates the spatial dialogues between digital colors and lights. The depth and symbolism in her works are very impressive. Wu Ying-Ju’s works creatively apply enamel onto steel plate through firing. Represented in pointillism and abstraction, the pictures demonstrates the classical style of implicity. The classical beauty inside his works is so admirable that every viewer will notice. Chen Zheng-Long breaks through the confinement of traditional Chinese painting. With the materials and framework of Chinese ink painting, he creates his own style of modern ink painting, containing a significance of Zen. Tender words and ink bamboos in the artist’s paintings reveal himself, who looks like an immortal smiling and welcoming all visitors.

We wish that the joint exhibition of different styles of art would inspire the association between academic disciplines and aesthetics education. The exhibition gives our students a chance to enrich their life with art on our campus this autumn.

 Director of the Art Center of National Chin-Yi University of Technology

Chen, Xian-Lian


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